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So, here I am trying not to freak out and reminding myself I need to Breathe...

Right! So, why am I being dramatic? Well, because you know that thing called "trust issues", yeah well...I'm going through that right now. I mean, if the Bible says to trust God, it should be easy, right? Well, from my experience it's not quite easy, but it's simple. I mean, the OG's (original generation) also had trust issues. Look at Moses, when God wanted to use Moses to speak to the pharaoh, Moses thought he was the wrong person for the job. Not the case...God chose Moses, but Moses had trust issues, because He was looking at all of his weakness' (Read the book of Exodus).

Lately, I've been feeling a bit inadequate, because my baby boy is going off to college in a few months and I don't have everything in order. My son works full time and attends a magnet school in our City. He has applied for colleges on his own, paid for the application fees, enrollment fees and more. He's applied for scholarships, but nothing has been coming in. I was getting concerned...worry & fear was starting to grip my heart. I kept reminding myself that God did not give me a spirit of fear but of love, power and sound mind. Yet, somehow, repeating that in my head was not working. I was still feeling afraid. I was worried about the cost of college, housing, his food (the guy gotta eat), transportation, etc.

Then it dawned on me...I have trust issues!! What? Are you serious? Now what? Well, the 1st step is admitting my weakness, the next step is repenting and asking God to forgive me for not trusting Him in every area of our lives. Next step, is acting on my forgiveness, which means start trusting God and keep myself accountable. Hence, this blog. I'm being transparent for a number of reasons, 1. accountability 2. exposing the lies 3. Be an example

I am excited and looking forward to the miracle that is coming! I will do my part, and God will do His part. I always say, if we don't have a problem, how can God show Himself miraculous? I love reading about Lazarus, he was dead for 4 days. Jesus called Lazarus to come forth! He was brought back to life. (Read John 11) Now I'm not telling you that God is going to give you everything you want, He's not a genie. But, I am telling you, to trust God with all your heart, and don't lean on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight. (Prov. 3:5-6) We need to trust the King of Kings! What are you worried about today? Give that to God. Surrender it to your savior and leave it in His hands. Praise Him every step of the way, thank Him for your Blessings. Ask God how can you be a blessing to others today, then do that! Never give up, Never lose heart...Keep living...Keep trusting God, He will make your path straight!


Shantelle Renay

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