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The Beautiful Struggle

It's been 21 days since we dropped off our son at College...Sigh! God's timing was perfect as usual. The day after Ben and I returned from Arizona, I went on a 2nd job interview...

(I haven't worked a "traditional" job in 12 years. As the Director of Women of Power International, I have the pleasure of making my own hours. However, if anyone has ever worked for a small nonprofit, you know that funds are very limited! Hence, the reason for me looking for a "traditional" job.)

I got the job!! I was so excited!! Ben and I celebrated by going out to eat at a seafood buffet *don't judge me* lol. God's timing is impeccable!! He knew, I would be concerned about my son and probably be bugging him with texts and phone calls. The Lord answered our son's prayers...hahahaha!

I realized that God has placed in a working environment with broken people. I am a huge believer of God directing our steps...We just need to trust Him! In the past, people have asked me, "how do they trust a God that they can't see?" I usually tell them, "trust comes with relationship. In order to trust someone, in this case, God, you need to start a relationship with Him...It's simple, just invite Him into your heart. When you invite Him into your heart and surrender your life to Jesus, He will speak to you through His word...The Bible!"

If I didn't trust God during this shift in my life, I would be in a mental institution, on drugs or crazy! It's not easy releasing my son to God everyday, yet, I know it's the best thing for me to do! I would like to believe, we gave our son, the tools and wisdom for this next season of his life. We are far from perfect parents, we have made many mistakes...Yet, God is merciful and I'm very thankful for His amazing grace!

It's only been 21 days...yet it seem like 2 years. During this beautiful struggle, I will continue to trust the King of Kings, Lord of All, gentle Father, loving Savior during this new season!!

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